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Kybella Beverly Hills | Beverly Hills Med Spa


If you suffer from a double chin, you might have spent many years lamenting your profile or wincing when you look at photographs of yourself. For those with unruly submental fat deposits, self-confidence can be hard to find. And no matter how hard one diets or exercises, the fatty cells under the chin don’t seem to budge.

Thankfully, Kybella offers an exciting solution that is non-invasive, non-surgical and does not require extensive downtime. In fact, it is administered through a simple painless injection. The results are stunning. The silhouette is restored, and the entire facial aesthetic is greatly improved. Come in to The Biomed Spa for Kybella Beverly Hills patients love and trust.

Benefits of Kybella at a glance

  • Safe, effective and approved by the FDA
  • Quick lunchtime treatment
  • Does not require surgery or lipo
  • No anesthesia necessary
  • Results come quickly, within weeks
  • Firm definition restored to the neck and chin

How is Kybella formulated?

The key ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, an all-natural compound found in the human body that works to pulverize fat cells and hasten their elimination. Once deoxycholic acid has been injected beneath the chin, it instantly starts to break down fat stores, releasing the unwanted cells as waste.

What happens during the procedure?

Kybella treatment requires some patience, because it does take a few months to accomplish all the benefits. The aesthetician will decide on the right number of injections for your body, and will communicate this to you during your confidential consultation. Most Kybella Beverly Hills clients require about 2-6 sessions in order to appreciate a radical change in their double chin. About 14-50 injections are administered per appointment, and sessions should be spaced out several weeks apart. Treatment time is usually less than a half hour.

Kybella recovery

Some patients may experience mild tingling, redness, numbness or swelling after their injection. These side effects are perfectly normal and they will abate shortly, usually within the first week. Ice packs and/or ibuprofen usually provide comfort and peace of mind. Minimizing post-procedural exercise is a good idea, as this can help keep swelling down. You will be able to fully visualize your results within the first two weeks, but this varies from client to client.

Why choose The Biomed Spa?

The Biomed Spa is known throughout Beverly Hills and beyond as home to not only an experienced, thoughtful medical team, but as a bastion for cosmetic artists. Our eye for beauty is thoughtful and subtle, and in our capable hands, your double chin will melt away, replaced by a leaner, more proportionate profile that accents your best features. Our aestheticians are always approachable, and many think of our practice as a second home.

Getting started with Kybella

The first step towards a more slender, attractive profile is to meet with our top aestheticians at our Beverly Hills office. During this consultation, the practitioners will examine your double chin, gather your medical records, and make their best recommendations for moving forward.

Often the aesthetician will devise a multifaceted treatment plan that makes use of other dermal fillers as well for comprehensive results. Also during the consultation, you may view our vast collection of before and after photos which offer evidence of the wonders performed by our nurses and aestheticians using Kybella.

Get Started

Where is Kybella treatment performed?

All our procedures take place at the accredited outpatient facility in Beverly Hills called the Biomed Spa. This lovely medical center offers all the same benefits and safety protocols as your local hospital, minus the long lines, lack of privacy and inconveniences. The Biomed Spa features world-class technology and equipment, the care of a compassionate and proven staff, and the comfort and style of our waiting area and recovery rooms, which offer tranquil, soothing healing and discretion.

“Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed.” William Blake
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